We would love for you to help support our charity work. Here are four ways for you to get involved:
Support a family for just £25 a month.
This is the best way to support Tushinde: regular donations enable us to plan our work for the year and how many families we can help. Support from trusts and foundations can help with running specific projects, training staff or going the extra mile in emergencies. However, it is the stable, regular income that ensures we can walk that journey from crisis to independence with a family and make such a difference to a child’s life.
Or click here to send us an email.

Make a donation.
Not everyone is able to or wants to give £25 a month; anything you give can help. We are committed to low overheads and getting as much money as possible to the children that need it most. In the last four years, over 85% of money raised has gone to our work in Africa.
Or click here to send us an email.

Remember us in your Will.
A donation to Tushinde Children’s Trust as part of your legacy will make a positive difference to the lives of children facing adversity for generations to come.
If you are considering this, please email or call our founder Megan; megan@tushinde.org.uk +44 1344 772700 as she can provide more information.